DFFU dótturfélag Samherja semur um smíði tveggja fiskiskipa í Noregi

Eigendur Samherja og stjórnendur Deutsche Fishfang Union (DFFU)  undirrituðu í gær samning um smíði tveggja skuttogara við norsku skipasmíðastöðina Kleven í Álasundi. Skipin eru hönnuð af Rolls Royce.

Haraldur_Gretarsson_DFFUHaraldur Grétarsson framkvæmdastjóri DFFU segir að þetta séu ánægjuleg tímamót í rekstri DFFU en Samherji hefur átt og rekið félagið í tuttugu ár. "Við erum búin að fara í gegnum mikla hagræðingu og stundum mögur ár hér í Cuxhaven en nú sjáum við tækifæri til að byggja upp nýjan skipastól fyrir félagið og horfa til framtíðar.  Þetta eru fyrstu nýsmíðar félagsins frá því við keyptum það og löngu tímabært skref. Skipin eru eins og þau gerast best í dag, allur aðbúnaður áhafnar verður til fyrirmyndar og vinnuaðstaða eins og best gerist. Hönnun skipanna  gerir veiðar þeirra umhverfisvænni en eldri skip, sem er mikilvægt skref fyrir okkur og fiskveiðar framtíðarinnar."



Hér fyrir neðan er fréttatilkynning sem skipasmíðastöðin Kleven sendi út í dag, sjá einnig frétt á http://www.kleven.no/nyhende/myklebust-verft-skal-lev.

Kleven to build two stern trawlers for German company Deutsche Fischfang-Union (DFFU)

Kleven has signed a contract with DFFU, daughter company of leading Icelandic seafood company Samherji on the building of two stern trawlers of Rolls-Royce’ NVC 374 WP design. The vessels are to be delivered from Kleven’s Myklebust Verft in Gursken, Norway, in February and June 2017.

 “Fishing vessel was the starting point for our 100 year long history as shipbuilders. With contracts for three new vessels, all of Rolls-Royce design, in just a few days, we have secured continuity for our employees at Myklebust Verft in a market that is extremely though at the moment,” said Ståle Rasmussen, CEO of Kleven. “We highly appreciate that DFFU has chosen to build their new state of the art trawlers in Norway and with Kleven, and we look forward to work closely with them on the realisation of these projects.”

 “It’s been a pleasure working with such a knowledgeable yard and owner to prepare this contract. Our design an equipment will help ensure that this will be among the most effective and modern fishing vessels in the world. The vessels will be equipped with our latest B33:45 main engine, and they will be the first among fishing vessels to feature our Wave Piercing bow design”, said John Knudsen, Rolls-Royce President Commercial Marine.

“Our aim is sustainable fishing, and these two new vessels mark an important next step in our company’s development. A huge improvement in the working and living conditions for our crew is a main objective for making this commitment. As well as fulfilling significant environmental criteria, we are confident that these vessels – designed and built in Norway – will take the company and its employees into a positive future development,” said CEO Torstein Mar Baldvinsson in Samherji Group. “Kleven has built vessels for Samherji Group before, with FV Vilhelm Thorsteinsson delivered in 2000 – that has had great success through the years since delivery.”

The vessels will be 80 m long and with hulls of ICE 1A* class, and equipped with a wide range of Rolls-Royce equipment, including main engines, thrusters, automation, winches and the fuel efficient Wave Piercing design.


For further information, please contact:

Kleven:  CEO Ståle Rasmussen: +47 90 93 64 93  

About Kleven
Kleven is Norway’s biggest Norwegian-owned shipbuilding group. The group build and equip large and technically advanced offshore support vessels and other ships for Norwegian and international clients. The group is a pioneer within the field of building LNG powered vessels and has a vision of delivering the most profitable and effective solutions to the world’s most demanding ship-owners. The group has two shipyards: Kleven Verft AS in Ulsteinvik and Myklebust Verft AS in Sande.