
Staður farm is located on the south-west coast of Iceland close to Grindavík. On the farm there is both a nursery and on-growing facilities for Arctic Charr. Alevins (0,1g) are transferred from Núpar hatchery to Staður nursery where it takes the fish about 10 – 12 months to reach 80 -120g in size. At that size the fish are transferred from the nursery to the on-growing facilities at Staður or to Vatnsleysa on-growing farm. All juveniles are vaccinated before transfer. At Staður he fish are farmed in indoor facilities until they reach approximately 300 grams, after that the fish are reared in outdoor tanks. The area where the farm is located is extremely rich in high quality brackish water (20-25ppt). The farm is closely monitored, even from distance, using a camera surveillance system. When the fish reach harvest size they are transferred live in specially equipped trucks to the processing plant in Grindavík where the fish are slaughtered and processed.
Area hatchery: 2.273 m2
Volume hatchery: 1.500 m2
Volume on-growing: 25.000 m2
• 2.800 l/sec seawater, 6-7°C
• 150 l/sec brackish, 6°C
• 250 l/sec fresh, 6°C
• 35 l/sec warm water, 72°C
Capacity hatchery: 1,5 -2 million juveniles / year
Capacity on-growing: 1.500 tons / year

Located on the south-west coast of Iceland. Land-based outdoor on-growing facilities equipped to farm Arctic Charr from approx. 100 g until it reaches harvest size (800-1500g). As in Staður the area is rich in high quality brackish water (15-20 ppt) with constant water quality and temperature. The farm is closely monitored, even from distance, using a camera surveillance system.
Volume: 28.400 m2
• 3.500 l/sec, brackish 5,5-6,5°C
Capacity: 1.500 tons / year

Ideal juvenile farming and hatchery facilities located in the south of Iceland. The facilities are specially designed to hatch and grow Salmon and Arctic charr from the roe stage until they reach approximately 70 - 100 g. All the Salmon and Charr roes used in Íslandsbleija´s farming are hatched at Núpar. The farm is situated in a geothermal area with excellent access to high quality fresh water at various temperatures.
Area: 2.014 m2
Volume: 1.466 m3
• 80 l/sec flow by gravity, 5,5°C
• 160 l/sec pumped, 5,5°C
• 20 l/sec warm water, 90°C
Capacity: 1,5 - 2 million juveniles / year

On-growing farm located in Öxarfjörður in the north-east of Iceland. The farm is ideally situated in an area very rich of geothermal water, close to the sea. It is possible to use different water temperatures and salinity in different tanks at the same time. This site was one of the first Arctic Charr farms in Iceland and is a pioneer in the farming of new species. Today the focus has shifted and the main focus is on Salmon production. The fish is farmed in land-based tanks, not only outdoors but also in a newly built 4200 m2 indoor facilities.
Volume: 23.800 m2
• 500 l/sec seawater, 2-10°C
• 400 l/sec fresh, 5,5°C
• 600 l/sec brackish 10-15°C
• 150 l/sec brackish 36°C
Capacity: 1.200-1.500 tons / year

Very simple and good juvenile farming facilities located in the south of Iceland. The facilities are equipped to grow Arctic Charr from the alevin stage until they reach approximately 70 - 100 g. The alevins are transferred to Öxnalækur from Núpar hachery (0,1g). The farm is situated in a geothermal area with excellent water quality. Most of the facilities are indoors but there are also several tanks outdoors.
Area: 880 m2
Volume: 1.200 m2
Water: • 150 l/sec flow by gravity, 8 - 9°C
Capacity: 800.000 juveniles / year