Adalsteinn Helgason will be Managing Director of Síldarvinnslan Ltd.

Adalsteinn Helgason, Business Development Manager of Samherji Ltd., will take over as Managing Director of Síldarvinnslan Ltd. in Neskaupstadur as from January 1st 2006.Aðalsteinn Helgason is 56 years old, M.S. in Business Administration. He has worked for Samherji Ltd. and associated companies for the last 12 years, for the longest period as a Director of Onshore Production.

“During the past years I have enjoyed a close working relationship with Síldarvinnslan and am looking forward to working with all the fine people there,” says Adalsteinn. "It will, on the other hand, be difficult to say goodbye to my coworkers at Samherji. I have enjoyed working here for going on the second decade with very good people. Together we have tackled big and challenging projects with ambition and I am proud to have been a part of this team,” says Aðalsteinn.

Samherji´s board of Directors thanks Aðalsteinn for his valuable contribution in the past years and wishes him all the best in his new challenges.