Half of Samherji´s frozen products this year exported in tramp steamers

GREEN SNOW in Akureyri harbour last winter. Photo:Myndrún
GREEN SNOW in Akureyri harbour last winter. Photo:Myndrún
So far this year, Samherji´s export in tramp steamers has been twelve thousand tons of frozen products, both white fish and pelagic fish. The products have been transported from Iceland to various harbours in Europe. One of these ships, Green Snow, which takes about 1.850 tons fully loaded, is now in Neskaupstaður and the aim is to finish loading the ship tonight. Green Snow has previously docked in Grindavík, where 425 tons were loaded and in Reyðarfjörður, where barely 300 tons were loaded on board. The majority of the cargo is herring fillets, but also some white fish products.


Green Snow will sail from Neskaupstaður to Velsen in The Nederlands, where a part of the cargo will be discharged and then onwards to Swinoujscie in Poland.

Green Snow is a 2.800 tons pallet ship from the Norwegian company Green Reefers. Unnar Jónsson in Samherji´s export department says, that this is the 10th time Samherji has hired a tramp steamer this year, for transporting Seafood products to Europe.

Unnar also says, “This transport has been successful and it is evident there will be a continuation. I expect that throughout this year we will have a ship of this kind every two weeks,” and estimates that the total quantity of Samherji´s frozen products this year, will be around 40 thousand tons, there of around 20 thousand tons exported in tramp steamers.