Preliminary Financial Statement of Samherji hf (Parent Company) for the year 2001

An unaudited Financial Statement of Samherji hf (parent company), which was laid out on Samherji´s board meeting today, reveals that the profit of the parent company for the year 2001 is substantially more than planned.


Operating revenue from the parent company is, according to the Statement, 12.755 million ISK and earnings before depreciation and financial expenses (EBITDA) are 3.463 million ISK. Financial expenses are negative by 1.159 million ISK and depreciation amounts to 984 million ISK. Net earnings from the parent company are 1.279 million ISK. Net cash provided by operating activities is, according to the Statement, 3.023 million ISK.

The effect from associated and subsidiary companies is not foreseen but was negative by 167 million ISK in the nine months return.

An audited Financial Statement will be issued in week 10 and the Company´s annual meeting will be held 11th April 2002.