Samherji hf. : 1.108 million ISK profit in the year 2001

- Operating revenue was just over 3.000 million ISK and increased by 2.031 million ISK between years.

Samherji´s running was profitable by 1.108 million ISK in the year just passed, compared to 726 million ISK profit in the year 2000. Operating revenue almost tripled from the previous year and totalled 3.092 million ISK. The groups income was 13.000 million ISK and operating expenditure 9,400 million ISK.

Profit before depreciation and financial expenses (EBITDA) was just over 3,600 million ISK. Depreciation was just over 1.000 million ISK and financial expenses were negative by 1,300 million ISK. Included is the share of associated and subsidiary companies´ income which was negative by 74 million ISK. Profit after taxes and other expenses amounted to 1,108 million ISK.

Stockholders equity increased by 814 million ISK

The groups total assets were put down at 18.113 million ISK at the end of the year but debts and obligations at 11.893 million ISK. Stockholders equity was 6.219 million ISK and had increased by 814 million between years. Net liabilities were 5.254 million ISK with 637 million ISK deferred income tax liabilities included. Operating revenue was 3.092 million ISK, compared to 1.060 million in the previous year. Stockholders equity ratio was 34,3% and floating capital ratio was 1,50.

The best year to date

Þorsteinn Már Baldvinsson, Director of Samherji hf, says that last year was a very good year in the running of Samherji and without a doubt the best in the history of the organization. "Three thousand million ISK working capital from operations tells all. External conditions, i.e. rate of exchange and markets were unusually favourable for the company and in general, the running of all parts of the operation, was good. He says the outlook is good for 2002. "We have been adapting the fleet to our catch quota, aiming for maximum economy of the company´s fixed assets. Buying Hannover in Baldvin Þorsteinsson´s place is a part of that, but Hannover is now being converted in Latvia and is expected in the company´s operations in the middle of the year. We can only be optimistic for the future and will, like last year, disclose of our plans in the stockholders annual meeting." Says Þorsteinn Már.

Stockholders Annual meeting 11th April

Stockholders Annual meeting will be held Thursday 11th April in Nýja bíó, Akureyri at 15.00. The company´s board of directors will propose a 30% dividend to stockholders for the year just passed.