Vilhelm Þorsteinsson EA a Record breaker

Photos by Thorgeir Baldursson
Photos by Thorgeir Baldursson

The ship Vilhelm Þorsteinsson EA arrived yesterday from it´s last fishing trip this year, fully loaded of frozen Herring products. The crew of Vilhelm has caught 50.000 tons this year worth 3,3 billion ISK, which is a record in catch value.

gudmundurthjonsson_thorgeirbald_img_9019The Captain Gudmundur Þ. Jonsson had more than one reasons to celebrate, but he turned fifty years old last Sunday. Gudmundur and his crew were warmly greeted when the ship came ashore yesterday, with a handsome birthday cake and the birthday song, in the Captain´s honor.

Vilhelm Þorsteinsson, with a crew of 24 men, catches Pelagic species such as Herring, Blue Whiting, Capelin and Mackerel. The fishing ground in the last two trips has been off the northern shores of Norway and now the ship comes in fully loaded with 570-580 tons of frozen products for the Polish and French market. All the catch is processed onboard and 90-95% of that is for human consumption. Vilhelm heads out for Capelin fishing on January 2.